A B O U T  U S

choco coco

Every family has that curious child, filled with wild stories of days explored, harrowing journeys ventured, and moments of pure joy. Is a simple story, all pulling together to stay trouble free. Follow Mia Bella as she explores different cultures, meeting new friends with her companions. The Curious Coco keeps them in trouble deep and comes to the loyal Choco to set them free. Choco (the noble dog) and Coco (the curious cat). These warm childhood stories allow us to explore different cultures through the eyes of a child. Choco-Coco’. Our one of a kind, hand animated, multicultural, nostalgic collection tells these whimsical stories and more, adding unique flair to any child’s wardrobe. So… follow Choco Coco and their companions on the new adventures. Are you ready???

ChocoChoco hover


Mia Bella’ s noble and cautious dog keeps Coco in line.

CocoCoco hover


A curious cat that often finds trouble in their adventures.

LuccaLucca hover


Mia Bella’s charismatic brother who loves sports..

Mia BellaMia Bella hover


The main character an inquisitive young girl that loves to travel and explore the world.

JellyJelly hover


Mia Bella’s sweet but temperamental baby brother.

MeiMei hover


Jelly’s baby friend. She's the lovely and very creative.

MimiMimi hover


Mia Bella’s best friend. She is very sweet with a beautiful soul.

MateoMateo hover


He is an enthusiastic boy. Music and animal lover.



A playful rooster who likes to delight everyone with his songs.